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Standing Up for Vulnerable Minorities is Not an Option but a Duty!

For years now, the government's policy of exclusion has been intensifying, which it tries to hide behind the protection of children, Christian values or the protection of the majority society. In recent years, the policy of condemning and stigmatizing various vulnerable social minorities, such as the LGBTQI+ community, has been reflected not only in government communication but also in legislation.

We at aHang consider it unacceptable that the Hungarian government, for party political interests, should pass discriminatory, legislation that seriously violates the human rights and dignity of the people concerned.

On 14 July, the embassies of 38 countries - Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America, and Uruguay - and 11 other institutions - Flemish Government Representation in Hungary, British Council, Cervantes Institute, Camőes Institute, Czech Centrum, Estonian Institute, FinnAgora, French Institute, Goethe Institute, Austrian Cultural Forum Budapest, Wallonie-Bruxelles International - have issued a joint statement in support of members of the Hungarian LGBTQI+ community and rejecting and condemning all acts of violence, hate speech, harassment, stigmatization and discrimination against individuals or communities on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or gender characteristics, and support the fight against such acts. They are concerned about legislation and political rhetoric, including in Hungary, that is contrary to the principles of non-discrimination, international human rights law and human dignity, and contributes to the stigmatization of the LGBTQI+ community.

We acknowledged with regret that Poland (as the only EU member state) and the government of Israel did not join our common stand. This is why aHang's sister organizations in Israel and Poland, Akcja Demokracja (Poland) and Zazim - Community Action (Israel), felt it important to assure the Hungarian minorities of their support!

Zazim - Community Action:

The 400k citizens movement of Zazim in Israel stands in solidarity with LGBTQI+ community in Hungary against the oppression of the Hungarian government. The Israeli government has shamefully refused to join the global support statement, but it does not represent the majority of the Israeli public and we condemn PM Netanyahu’s decision same as we condemn the anti LGBTQI+ legislation of Orban. These days in Israel we are fighting a critical fight for our democracy, for a future of freedom and equality against an extreme right-wing, clerical and non-liberal government. The Israeli government follows the example of Orban’s regime in promoting a judicial coup that poses an imminent threat to the Palestinians in the occupied territories as well as to the rights of women, LGBTQI+ community and all other minorities in Israel. To win the battle on our values and our way of life, both in Israel and in Hungary, we all need to stand united against the frequently coordinated efforts of our governments to steal our rights and our future.

Akcja Demokracja:

We stand in solidarity with the LGBTQI+ community in Hungary during these challenging times. As a Polish 500K social movement, Akcja Demokracja, we condemn the recent legislative measures and policies in Hungary that discriminate against and stigmatize the LGBTQI+ community and are extremely disappointed to learn that our government has not supported the joint statement. We are deeply concerned about the human rights crisis, including massive hate campaigns against the LGBTQI+ community, unfolding in our own country and recognize the parallel struggles faced by our fellow citizens and activists in Hungary. We call on the Hungarian government to respect and protect the rights of the LGBTQI+ community, in line with international human rights standards. To the LGBTQI+ community in Hungary, we want you to know that you are not alone. We stand by your side, offering our unwavering support and solidarity. Together we will work tirelessly to promote a more inclusive and accepting society for everyone in all of our respective countries.

We are proud to provide a platform for the "Unite Against Hate" campaign" launched by Budapest Pride, Phiren Amenca, Haver Informal Jewish Education Foundation and Political Capital, in which thousands of people are already calling on President Katalin Novák to become the President of the Republic for all. She should protect the rights of minorities, stop granting presidential pardons to members of far-right terrorist groups and stop signing laws that stigmatize or incite hatred against minorities, and send them to the Constitutional Court for examination or consideration by Parliament, as she set the example in the case of the law on complaints and public interest disclosures.

Zazim - Community Action
Akcja Demokracja